Ep. 199 The return of the Grow Along | #GoodGrowing
Looking to try something new in the garden this year? You’re in luck because, back by popular demand, the Good Growing Grow Along returns with a fresh lineup of unique and beautiful plants for 2025. Check out this week’s Good Growing Podcast to learn about the plants we’ll be growing for this year's Grow Along, how you can participate, and more.
Watch us on YouTube: https://youtu.be/4pCC_Ndkkeg
Skip to what you want to know:
00:30 – Welcome, Ken and Emily. What should we call this year’s Grow Along?
02:25 – What is the Good Growing Grow Along?
04:30 – What has changed from last year’s Grow Along?
07:15 – How can I register for the Grow Along?
09:55 – What will we be growing this year for the Grow Along?
10:25 - Papalo ‘Butterfly’
15:40 - Sweet pepper ‘Christmas tree’
19:40 - Melon ‘Kajari’
23:18 - Tomato ‘Black Krim’
27:02 - Toothache Plant ‘Bullseye’
30:55 - Basil ‘Dark Purple Opal’
34:50 - Celosia ‘Mega Punk’
39:40 - Cosmos ‘Seashells Mix’
43:50 - Zinnia ‘Old Mexico’
48:23 – Wrap-up, thank yous, what’s up next week, and goodbye!
Join us for the Good Growing Grow Along: https://go.illinois.edu/GrowAlong
Starting seeds at home: https://youtu.be/lNCwDYkdS50
Toothache plant: What is it and how to grow it: https://youtu.be/Z7ywlxrKWTM
Toothache plant: What is it and how to grow it: https://youtu.be/Z7ywlxrKWTM
Contact us!
Chris Enroth: cenroth@illinois.edu
Ken Johnson: kjohnso@illinois.edu
Emily Swihart: eswihart@illinois.edu
Check out the Good Growing Blog: https://go.illinois.edu/goodgrowing
Subscribe to the weekly Good Growing email: https://go.illinois.edu/goodgrowingsubscribe
Any products or companies mentioned during the podcast are in no way a promotion or endorsement of these products or companies.
Barnyard Bash: freesfx.co.uk
Drumroll provided by Storyblocks
You can find us on most podcast platforms.
Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties

Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties
Emily Swihart
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henry, Mercer, Rock Island, and Stark Counties