Ep. 178 Tomatoes to Ticks and Beyond: Early Summer Garden Q & A | #GoodGrowing

This week on the Good Growing podcast Ken and Chris answer early summer gardening questions. From landscapes and lawns to tomatoes and ticks, we share recent questions we have been getting into our local Extension offices. 

Watch us on YouTube: https://youtu.be/CFPmxJvc_kk

Skip to what you want to know:
00:31 Hey Ken!
01:12 It's a hot one out there for only being June.
02:55 What is causing all the tips of my branches to fall off or hang in the tree?
06:52 Can you take the protective netting off your trees and shrubs now that the cicadas are gone?
08:35 What's wrong with my tomatoes!? Why are the leaves curling?
15:38 How do you control weeds in an asparagus patch?
19:12 My lawn is thin. What type of fertilizer should I put down now to have a better lawn?
21:52 I have carpenter bees nesting in my barn. What can I do to stop them?
24:35 Where can I get ticks tested to see if they are carrying a disease?

Additional resources mentioned during the show:
Causes of rolling wilted tomato leaves https://extension.illinois.edu/blogs/good-growing/2018-06-20-causes-rolling-wilted-tomato-leaves 
Carpenter bees: Destroyers of wood or beneficial pollinators? https://extension.illinois.edu/blogs/good-growing/2023-05-05-carpenter-bees-destroyers-wood-or-beneficial-pollinators 
CDC tick testing decisions https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/after-a-tick-bite/index.html

Contact us! 
Chris Enroth: cenroth@illinois.edu
Ken Johnson: kjohnso@illinois.edu 

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Any products or companies mentioned during the podcast are in no way a promotion or endorsement of these products or companies.

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Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties
Ep. 178 Tomatoes to Ticks and Beyond: Early Summer Garden Q & A |  #GoodGrowing
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