Ep. 176 Native Grasses in the Prairie and Your Yard | #GoodGrowing

This week on the Good Growing podcast Ken and Chris chat with Erin Garrett about native grasses and how to use them in our landscapes. Erin is a Natural Resources, Energy, and Environment educator with University of Illinois Extension who is a wealth of knowledge on native grasses and all things native plants! We dive into how these grasses function in a prairie and how that translates to your yard. Plus suggestions for what native grasses might work best to transform your landscape!

Watch us on YouTube https://youtu.be/EaFf5zziNiQ

Skip to what you want to know:
0:31 Hey Ken! Remembering cicada pizza and growing sedges from seed.
5:01 Welcome Erin! Superman Festival in Metropolis, Illinois. Cicadas are LOUD!
8:43 The role of grasses in prairie.
12:57 Are native grasses different from the ornamental grasses we plant in our yards?
15:20  Seems like a lot of non-native lawn grasses are cool-season grass. Do we have any native cool-season grasses?
16:53 What are the benefits of growing native grasses?
19:12 Are there any drawbacks to using native plants in the landscape?
22:16 What species of native grasses are recommended for the home landscape?
28:03 When planting native grasses with flowers, does it help to plant the flowers first and then later the grasses? Plus talking seed ratios of grasses and forbs (wildflowers)
30:13 Buffalograss is a native grass that grows low and is used for lawns in some areas. Is buffalograss a good lawn alternative in Illinois?
34:21 Fun with nimblewill
36:57 What tips does Erin have for creating backyard meadows or prairies?
44:18 Where can people go to find out more information about native grasses?
46:55 Thank yous and coming up next week.

Illinois Extension Grasses Website https://extension.illinois.edu/grasses
Grasses at a Glance Video Series https://go.illinois.edu/GrassVideos
Grasses at a Glance blog https://extension.illinois.edu/blogs/grasses-glance
Spotlight on Natural Resources Podcast https://extension.illinois.edu/podcasts/spotlight-natural-resources

Contact us! 
Chris Enroth: cenroth@illinois.edu
Ken Johnson: kjohnso@illinois.edu 
Erin Garrett emedvecz@illinois.edu

Check out the Good Growing Blog: https://go.illinois.edu/goodgrowing
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Any products or companies mentioned during the podcast are in no way a promotion or endorsement of these products or companies.

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Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties
Ep. 176 Native Grasses in the Prairie and Your Yard | #GoodGrowing
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