Ep. 163 Winter kids activities for both indoors and out | #GoodGrowing

Have you been stuck indoors with children this winter? Are they driving you crazy? You’re in luck! On this week’s Good Growing Podcast, University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator Brittnay Haag joins us to talk about different garden and nature activities we can do with our kids, both indoors and out.
Watch us on YouTube: https://youtu.be/vn8HDTxy8DM
Skip to what you want to know:  
  00:45 – Welcome, Ken, what’s the strange orange ball in the sky?
  02:50 – Welcome, Brittnay. What does Chris think of when he hears McLean County?
  04:20 – Why is it important for kids to go outside?
  06:08 – Getting kids to help in the garden.
  08:14 – Gardening activities for the indoors during the winter  
  13:20 – What about outdoors? Outdoor winter activities for kids. 
  20:45 – Valentine's Day is coming up: gift ideas that kids can make.
  27:20 – Fun with birds! Observing and feeding
  33:00 - Wrap-up, thank yous, what’s up next week, and goodbye!
Great Backyard Bird Count: https://www.birdcount.org/
Create a Winter Bird Haven: https://youtu.be/_yLih1FYRfM 
Make a toilet paper roll bird feeder: https://youtu.be/EQcbfivmyvQ
How to Make a Bird Food Garland with Popcorn, Cranberries, and More: https://youtu.be/IyozQ-KuCVA
Make your own suet log bird feeder: https://youtu.be/3Rr0ZssYbBM 

Contact us! 
Chris Enroth: cenroth@illinois.edu
Ken Johnson: kjohnso@illinois.edu 
Check out the Good Growing Blog: https://go.illinois.edu/goodgrowing
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Any products or companies mentioned during the podcast are in no way a promotion or endorsement of these products or companies.
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Google podcasts https://bit.ly/3AiYjTD 

Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties
Brittnay Haag
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator, serving Livingston, McLean, and Woodford Counties
Ep. 163 Winter kids activities for both indoors and out | #GoodGrowing
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