Ep. 151 How to grow and pick the perfect pumpkin | #GoodGrowing

This week on the Good Growing Podcast, Chris and Ken talk with commercial ag educator Nathan Johanning all about pumpkins! Nathan has been researching pumpkins with University of Illinois Extension for years and is himself a pumpkin grower. This week we dive into what is a growing season like for a pumpkin farmer, what are some of their biggest pests, how to pick the perfect pumpkin, and much more!

Skip to what you want to know:
0:34 – Hey Ken! Have we gotten our pumpkins yet?
4:46 – Welcome Nathan! Learning Nathan’s background in growing pumpkins.
5:17 – How does the pumpkin crop look for 2023?
9:16 – How do you deal with pumpkin viruses?
11:29 – What is Nathan’s favorite pumpkin? Which one is the most popular?
15:01 – What’s the process of growing a pumpkin? What is it like to be a pumpkin farmer?
        Ordering seed
 Starting seed
 Transplanting out to the field
 Scouting for disease
 Scouting for insect pests (namely squash bugs)
 Encouraging pollinators
 Practicing IPM
 Looking to harvest
 Protect the stem!
24:46 – What is downy mildew? Is it a serious problem for pumpkins in Illinois?
27:02 – Does trap cropping work to help control insect pests of pumpkins? 
30:56 – What do you look for when picking out a pumpkin? And how do you store it?
33:58 – How can we dispose of pumpkins?
39:20 – What are everyone’s thoughts on pumpkin spice?
41:42 – For those who like to eat pumpkin seeds, what’s a good cultivar for hull-less seeds?
44:38 – Thank you’s and coming up next week!

Find a Pumpkin Smash near you

The great debate! Fall Flavors: Pumpkin vs. Apple

Contact us! 
Chris Enroth: cenroth@illinois.edu
Ken Johnson: kjohnso@illinois.edu 

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Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties
Ep. 151 How to grow and pick the perfect pumpkin | #GoodGrowing
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