Ep. 61 Talking Birds, Bees, Flowers, and Trees with Andrew Holsinger
On this week's Good Growin podcast we chat about the team's upcoming Good Growing Garden Day all about pollinators. Andrew Holsinger joins us to dive into the topics we will discuss during the Garden Day webinar covering hummingbirds, pollinating insects, wildflowers, and native trees. Plus, we answer questions on these topics.
More information on the event page https://extension.illinois.edu/events/2021-03-27-good-growing-garden-day-pollinators-webinar
Register for the Good Growing Pollinator Day go.illinois.edu/GardenDayPollinators
When is the best time to put out hummingbird feeders?
When can I start cleaning up my garden if I want to try and protect overwintering pollinators?
Establishing a pollinator plot from seed versus potted plants.
How should I plant native trees and shrubs in my landscape for the most significant impact on pollinators?
How can I attract more hummingbirds to my yard?
I have a butterfly house in my garden, but I never find butterflies in it. What can I do to attract them to it?
What flowers that attract pollinators are recommended for part shade or under trees?
What can I do to make sure I get the best native woody plant for my site?
Watch us on YouTube https://youtu.be/rk2_VGj6S0k
On this week's Good Growin podcast we chat about the team's upcoming Good Growing Garden Day all about pollinators. Andrew Holsinger joins us to dive into the topics we will discuss during the Garden Day webinar covering hummingbirds, pollinating insects, wildflowers, and native trees. Plus, we answer questions on these topics.
More information on the event page https://extension.illinois.edu/events/2021-03-27-good-growing-garden-day-pollinators-webinar
Register for the Good Growing Pollinator Day go.illinois.edu/GardenDayPollinators
When is the best time to put out hummingbird feeders?
When can I start cleaning up my garden if I want to try and protect overwintering pollinators?
Establishing a pollinator plot from seed versus potted plants.
How should I plant native trees and shrubs in my landscape for the most significant impact on pollinators?
How can I attract more hummingbirds to my yard?
I have a butterfly house in my garden, but I never find butterflies in it. What can I do to attract them to it?
What flowers that attract pollinators are recommended for part shade or under trees?
What can I do to make sure I get the best native woody plant for my site?
Watch us on YouTube https://youtu.be/rk2_VGj6S0k
Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties

Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties