Ep. 41 Spiders with Dr. Kacie Athey
On this week's episode of the Good Growing podcast, we talk with entomologist Dr. Kacie Athey all about spiders! What are these creepy dudes doing in our house? Are they really dangerous? Dr. Athey dispels the myths and answers your spider questions. We talk about:
Why do we see more spiders in the fall?
What's the deal? Aren't spiders insects?
Spider bites - what to look for.
Do we swallow spiders in our sleep?
Are daddy longlegs the most venomous spider in the world?
What are these fabled toilet spiders?
What's it like to get bit by a tarantula?
How do I keep spiders out of my house? Does the hedgeapple trick work?
Should you move indoor spiders outside?
Do wolf spiders travel in packs?
What are all those tiny glowing dots in the lawn when I shine my flashlight on them at night?
Plus, why were whiteflies swarming everywhere this year?
Got an insect question? Contact Dr. Athey
Contact the hosts
Ken Johnson kjohnso@illinois.edu
Katie Parker keparkr2@illinois.edu
Chris Enroth cenroth@illinois.edu
On this week's episode of the Good Growing podcast, we talk with entomologist Dr. Kacie Athey all about spiders! What are these creepy dudes doing in our house? Are they really dangerous? Dr. Athey dispels the myths and answers your spider questions. We talk about:
Why do we see more spiders in the fall?
What's the deal? Aren't spiders insects?
Spider bites - what to look for.
Do we swallow spiders in our sleep?
Are daddy longlegs the most venomous spider in the world?
What are these fabled toilet spiders?
What's it like to get bit by a tarantula?
How do I keep spiders out of my house? Does the hedgeapple trick work?
Should you move indoor spiders outside?
Do wolf spiders travel in packs?
What are all those tiny glowing dots in the lawn when I shine my flashlight on them at night?
Plus, why were whiteflies swarming everywhere this year?
Got an insect question? Contact Dr. Athey
Contact the hosts
Ken Johnson kjohnso@illinois.edu
Katie Parker keparkr2@illinois.edu
Chris Enroth cenroth@illinois.edu
Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties

Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties