Ep. 34 Storing Vegetables Over Winter with Bruce Black & Kristin Bogdonas

In this week's episode of the Good Growing podcast, the group chats with Illinois Extension horticulture educator Bruce Black. Bruce shares best practices for storing garden produce for consuming over the winter. Plus the team calls on nutrition and wellness educator Kristin Bogdonas to help answer questions about canning and pickling. Topics covered in today's episode: What do we need to store vegetables? What is Bruce's favorite vegetable to keep over winter? How long can we expect produce to stay good? Pickling and fermenting foods What to do with tomatoes with the shortage of canning supplies? Curing and storing sweet potatoes How to store garlic and onion Storing butternut squash Preparing the garden for next year Links: For more information on safe home food preservation methods and tested recipes, visit go.illinois.edu/nutritionwell. Here you will find recorded webinars and handouts on canning, freezing, drying, and fermenting. Need to have your pressure canner dial-gauge tested? We recommend these be tested every year for accuracy. Find the closest office to you by visiting, https://extension.illinois.edu/sites/default/files/pressure_canning_testing_-locations_-_june_2020.pdf Freezing tomatoes https://nchfp.uga.edu/how/freeze/tomato.html USDA Handbook 66 The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/oc/np/CommercialStorage/CommercialStorage.pdf Contact the hosts Ken Johnson kjohnso@illinois.edu Katie Parker keparkr2@illinois.edu Chris Enroth cenroth@illinois.edu
In this week's episode of the Good Growing podcast, the group chats with Illinois Extension horticulture educator Bruce Black. Bruce shares best practices for storing garden produce for consuming over the winter. Plus the team calls on nutrition and wellness educator Kristin Bogdonas to help answer questions about canning and pickling. Topics covered in today's episode: What do we need to store vegetables? What is Bruce's favorite vegetable to keep over winter? How long can we expect produce to stay good? Pickling and fermenting foods What to do with tomatoes with the shortage of canning supplies? Curing and storing sweet potatoes How to store garlic and onion Storing butternut squash Preparing the garden for next year Links: For more information on safe home food preservation methods and tested recipes, visit go.illinois.edu/nutritionwell. Here you will find recorded webinars and handouts on canning, freezing, drying, and fermenting. Need to have your pressure canner dial-gauge tested? We recommend these be tested every year for accuracy. Find the closest office to you by visiting, https://extension.illinois.edu/sites/default/files/pressure_canning_testing_-locations_-_june_2020.pdf Freezing tomatoes https://nchfp.uga.edu/how/freeze/tomato.html USDA Handbook 66 The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/oc/np/CommercialStorage/CommercialStorage.pdf Contact the hosts Ken Johnson kjohnso@illinois.edu Katie Parker keparkr2@illinois.edu Chris Enroth cenroth@illinois.edu

Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties
Ep. 34 Storing Vegetables Over Winter with Bruce Black & Kristin Bogdonas
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