Ep. 31 Sustainable Landscaping with Eliana Brown

In this episode of the Good Growing podcast Eliana Brown shares her knowledge of sustainable landscaping. Eliana is a water quality specialist with University of Illinois Extension. During the episode the team talks about: What is sustainable landscaping? Where would a homeowner start in making their landscape more sustainable? What about large scale projects? How big do you make a rain garden? Is there a sustainable way to control weeds? What about homeowner's associations wanting to become more sustainable? Additional resources Video: Stormwater at Home https://go.illinois.edu/stormwaterhome Visit the Red Oak Rain Garden Website https://redoakraingarden.org/ Video: Rain Garden Installation http://go.illinois.edu/purdue Eliana's Publication with Illinois Indiana SeaGrant on nutrient reduction, native plants, rain gardens, and more https://iiseagrant.org/resources/publications-products/results/?_sft_creator=c-eliana-brown Natural Lawn Care https://iiseagrant.org/work/healthy-waters/programs-initiatives/natural-lawn-care/ THE SOUTHERN LAKE MICHIGAN RAIN GARDEN MANUAL https://iiseagrant.org/publications/the-southern-lake-michigan-rain-garden-manual/ Green Infrastructure Grant Opportunities https://www2.illinois.gov/epa/topics/grants-loans/water-financial-assistance/Pages/gigo.aspx
In this episode of the Good Growing podcast Eliana Brown shares her knowledge of sustainable landscaping. Eliana is a water quality specialist with University of Illinois Extension. During the episode the team talks about: What is sustainable landscaping? Where would a homeowner start in making their landscape more sustainable? What about large scale projects? How big do you make a rain garden? Is there a sustainable way to control weeds? What about homeowner's associations wanting to become more sustainable? Additional resources Video: Stormwater at Home https://go.illinois.edu/stormwaterhome Visit the Red Oak Rain Garden Website https://redoakraingarden.org/ Video: Rain Garden Installation http://go.illinois.edu/purdue Eliana's Publication with Illinois Indiana SeaGrant on nutrient reduction, native plants, rain gardens, and more https://iiseagrant.org/resources/publications-products/results/?_sft_creator=c-eliana-brown Natural Lawn Care https://iiseagrant.org/work/healthy-waters/programs-initiatives/natural-lawn-care/ THE SOUTHERN LAKE MICHIGAN RAIN GARDEN MANUAL https://iiseagrant.org/publications/the-southern-lake-michigan-rain-garden-manual/ Green Infrastructure Grant Opportunities https://www2.illinois.gov/epa/topics/grants-loans/water-financial-assistance/Pages/gigo.aspx

Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties
Ep. 31 Sustainable Landscaping with Eliana Brown
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