Ep. 25 Tree Troubles with Ryan Pankau

This week on the Good Growing podcast the crew talks about the trouble with trees with University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator, Ryan Pankau. Ryan brings his wealth of knowledge and experience on arboriculture (the study of trees). In this episode the group discusses: The common problems that occur at the base of the tree trunk Can you train a new redbud from seedlings? A young maple tree leafed out and then suddenly died. Could it be from the weird growth on the trunk? Why would a long strip of bark be missing on an oak tree? What can be done with hydrangeas that don't bloom? A newly planted tree is dying. What suggestions are there to save the tree? Contact the hosts: Chris Enroth cenroth@illinois.edu Ken Johnson kjohnso@illinois.edu Katie Parker keparkr2@illinois.edu
This week on the Good Growing podcast the crew talks about the trouble with trees with University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator, Ryan Pankau. Ryan brings his wealth of knowledge and experience on arboriculture (the study of trees). In this episode the group discusses: The common problems that occur at the base of the tree trunk Can you train a new redbud from seedlings? A young maple tree leafed out and then suddenly died. Could it be from the weird growth on the trunk? Why would a long strip of bark be missing on an oak tree? What can be done with hydrangeas that don't bloom? A newly planted tree is dying. What suggestions are there to save the tree? Contact the hosts: Chris Enroth cenroth@illinois.edu Ken Johnson kjohnso@illinois.edu Katie Parker keparkr2@illinois.edu

Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties
Ep. 25 Tree Troubles with Ryan Pankau
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