Ep. 24 Japanese Beetles with Andrew Holsinger

In this episode of the Good Growing podcast, Andrew Holsinger joins the crew to talk about everything Japanese beetles. We discuss nearly every angle of dealing with this invasive and incredible nuisance. We dive into: If home gardeners can feel overwhelmed, what about farmers dealing with Japanese beetles? How do commercial orchards deal with these pests? What can you do to protect your large shade trees? What about backyard fruit trees? If you control the Japanese beetle grubs in the lawn will it help with damage caused by adult beetles? Do you need to spray your sweet corn? What are the organic options to control Japanese beetles? Check out these resources on Japanese beetles Japanese beetle factsheet from University of Illinois Extension Mass Trapping by University of Missouri Extension https://ipm.missouri.edu/MEG/2018/1/mass_trapping_japanese_beetles/ Ken Johnson's webinar on Japanese beetles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On0cbWjkoo4 Japanese beetles - plants they like and don't like & chemical controls https://uofi.box.com/s/9tx9sly5er1il921pmx8osj2t92clwqx Contact the hosts: Chris Enroth cenroth@illinois.edu Ken Johnson kjohnso@illinois.edu Katie Parker keparkr2@illinois.edu
In this episode of the Good Growing podcast, Andrew Holsinger joins the crew to talk about everything Japanese beetles. We discuss nearly every angle of dealing with this invasive and incredible nuisance. We dive into: If home gardeners can feel overwhelmed, what about farmers dealing with Japanese beetles? How do commercial orchards deal with these pests? What can you do to protect your large shade trees? What about backyard fruit trees? If you control the Japanese beetle grubs in the lawn will it help with damage caused by adult beetles? Do you need to spray your sweet corn? What are the organic options to control Japanese beetles? Check out these resources on Japanese beetles Japanese beetle factsheet from University of Illinois Extension Mass Trapping by University of Missouri Extension https://ipm.missouri.edu/MEG/2018/1/mass_trapping_japanese_beetles/ Ken Johnson's webinar on Japanese beetles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On0cbWjkoo4 Japanese beetles - plants they like and don't like & chemical controls https://uofi.box.com/s/9tx9sly5er1il921pmx8osj2t92clwqx Contact the hosts: Chris Enroth cenroth@illinois.edu Ken Johnson kjohnso@illinois.edu Katie Parker keparkr2@illinois.edu

Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties
Ep. 24 Japanese Beetles with Andrew Holsinger
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