Ep. 16 Landscape Design Tips with Martha Smith & Murder Wasps

This week Martha Smith joins the Good Growing team to talk all about landscape design. Martha is a horticulture educator with University of Illinois Extension and has previous experience as a landscape designer. During this episode the group talks about: What's blooming in their yards What does Martha recommend for new gardeners as they start designing their yard Where can homeowner look to get information on plants before going to the garden center What to do with a soggy part of the yard Addressing the Murder Wasp question Dealing with spring weeds in the strawberry patch And should we be spraying our apple trees right now? Rain Garden resources ILLINOIS NATIVE PLANTS FOR THE HOME LANDSCAPE https://iiseagrant.org/publications/illinois-native-plants-for-the-home-landscape/ RAIN GARDEN- A NATIVE PLANTING GUIDE FOR RAIN GARDEN BEDS https://iiseagrant.org/publications/rain-garden-a-native-planting-guide-for-rain-garden-beds/ POLLINATOR GARDEN- NATIVE PLANTS FOR ATTRACTING POLLINATORS https://iiseagrant.org/publications/pollinator-garden-native-plants-for-attracting-pollinators/ Webinar recording from Purdue on their Rainscaping Program https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxwarSqe3Sc The Red Oak Rain Garden https://redoakraingarden.org/ Contact the hosts: Chris Enroth cenroth@illinois.edu Katie Johnson kjohnso@illinois.edu Katie Parker keparkr2@illinois.edu Upcoming Webinars Good Bugs in the Garden: May 13: Not all insects we find in our gardens are pests. In fact, most insects aren’t pests at all. Ken Johnson will explore the most common beneficial insects and ways to attract them to your garden. web.extension.illinois.edu/registratio…ionID=22204 Landscape Safety: May 20: There can be hazards to working in the yard and garden. Landscape work can involve dangerous and loud equipment, pesticides, and contact with plants and animals that may be harmful. Chris Enroth will provide safety tips everyone can use when working the yard, including hearing, eye, and sun protection; best practices for operating equipment; and using pesticides safely. web.extension.illinois.edu/registratio…ionID=22214 Mulching Options for the Garden: May 27: The use of mulch in flower and vegetable gardens has many benefits, such as weed prevention and soil moisture retention; however, with a dozen or more options, how do you choose one to use? Katie Parker will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of mulches available. web.extension.illinois.edu/registratio…ionID=22206
This week Martha Smith joins the Good Growing team to talk all about landscape design. Martha is a horticulture educator with University of Illinois Extension and has previous experience as a landscape designer. During this episode the group talks about: What's blooming in their yards What does Martha recommend for new gardeners as they start designing their yard Where can homeowner look to get information on plants before going to the garden center What to do with a soggy part of the yard Addressing the Murder Wasp question Dealing with spring weeds in the strawberry patch And should we be spraying our apple trees right now? Rain Garden resources ILLINOIS NATIVE PLANTS FOR THE HOME LANDSCAPE https://iiseagrant.org/publications/illinois-native-plants-for-the-home-landscape/ RAIN GARDEN- A NATIVE PLANTING GUIDE FOR RAIN GARDEN BEDS https://iiseagrant.org/publications/rain-garden-a-native-planting-guide-for-rain-garden-beds/ POLLINATOR GARDEN- NATIVE PLANTS FOR ATTRACTING POLLINATORS https://iiseagrant.org/publications/pollinator-garden-native-plants-for-attracting-pollinators/ Webinar recording from Purdue on their Rainscaping Program https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxwarSqe3Sc The Red Oak Rain Garden https://redoakraingarden.org/ Contact the hosts: Chris Enroth cenroth@illinois.edu Katie Johnson kjohnso@illinois.edu Katie Parker keparkr2@illinois.edu Upcoming Webinars Good Bugs in the Garden: May 13: Not all insects we find in our gardens are pests. In fact, most insects aren’t pests at all. Ken Johnson will explore the most common beneficial insects and ways to attract them to your garden. web.extension.illinois.edu/registratio…ionID=22204 Landscape Safety: May 20: There can be hazards to working in the yard and garden. Landscape work can involve dangerous and loud equipment, pesticides, and contact with plants and animals that may be harmful. Chris Enroth will provide safety tips everyone can use when working the yard, including hearing, eye, and sun protection; best practices for operating equipment; and using pesticides safely. web.extension.illinois.edu/registratio…ionID=22214 Mulching Options for the Garden: May 27: The use of mulch in flower and vegetable gardens has many benefits, such as weed prevention and soil moisture retention; however, with a dozen or more options, how do you choose one to use? Katie Parker will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of mulches available. web.extension.illinois.edu/registratio…ionID=22206

Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties
Ep. 16 Landscape Design Tips with Martha Smith & Murder Wasps
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