Ep. 111 Tips for Pollinators & favorite plants | #goodgrowing
On this week’s Good Growing podcast we are celebrating National Pollinator Week! We give helpful tips for helping out pollinators plus our favorite pollinator plants. Plus, tons of resources if you’re looking to include pollinator habitat in your landscape.
Watch us YouTube https://youtu.be/YhxRfaGN2PU
0:26 - Hi Katie!
0:36 - Those Darn Racoons
2:25 - Hi Ken!
4:11 - What are pollinators?
8:10 - Tips for helping pollinators
8:51 - Reduce pesticide use and minimize pollinator exposure if spraying
12:18 - Create nesting habitat
15:26 - Protect existing habitat
17:16 - Plant more flowers
18:59 - Utilize different blossom shapes
21:51 - Advice for designing a pollinator garden
27:51 - Favorite plants
28:08 - Ken: Purple coneflower, butterfly milkweed, rattlesnake master, blanket flower, sunflowers, grey-headed coneflower, obedient plant
29:46 - Katie: Beebalm (Monarda), lantana, beardtongue
31:34 - Chris: Zinnia, parsley, Autumn Joy sedum, giant alliums
34:40 - Resources for those wanting more
- Pollinator Pockets https://extension.illinois.edu/cfiv/pollinator-pockets
- Illinois Extension Pollinator Website – coming soon!
- Pollinator partnership https://www.pollinator.org/
- Xerces society https://www.xerces.org/
- Monarch Waystation Project https://monarchwatch.org/waystations/
- Indiana/Illinois Sea Grant Pollinator Garden brochures https://iiseagrant.org/resources/publications-products/results/?_sft_creator=c-eliana-brown
- Become an Illinois Master Naturalist https://extension.illinois.edu/mn
- iPollinate https://ipollinate.illinois.edu/
Check out the Good Growing Blog: https://go.illinois.edu/goodgrowing
Subscribe to the weekly Good Growing email: https://go.illinois.edu/goodgrowingsubscribe
Any products or companies mentioned during the podcast are in no way a promotion or endorsement of these products or companies.
On this week’s Good Growing podcast we are celebrating National Pollinator Week! We give helpful tips for helping out pollinators plus our favorite pollinator plants. Plus, tons of resources if you’re looking to include pollinator habitat in your landscape.
Watch us YouTube https://youtu.be/YhxRfaGN2PU
0:26 - Hi Katie!
0:36 - Those Darn Racoons
2:25 - Hi Ken!
4:11 - What are pollinators?
8:10 - Tips for helping pollinators
8:51 - Reduce pesticide use and minimize pollinator exposure if spraying
12:18 - Create nesting habitat
15:26 - Protect existing habitat
17:16 - Plant more flowers
18:59 - Utilize different blossom shapes
21:51 - Advice for designing a pollinator garden
27:51 - Favorite plants
28:08 - Ken: Purple coneflower, butterfly milkweed, rattlesnake master, blanket flower, sunflowers, grey-headed coneflower, obedient plant
29:46 - Katie: Beebalm (Monarda), lantana, beardtongue
31:34 - Chris: Zinnia, parsley, Autumn Joy sedum, giant alliums
34:40 - Resources for those wanting more
- Pollinator Pockets https://extension.illinois.edu/cfiv/pollinator-pockets
- Illinois Extension Pollinator Website – coming soon!
- Pollinator partnership https://www.pollinator.org/
- Xerces society https://www.xerces.org/
- Monarch Waystation Project https://monarchwatch.org/waystations/
- Indiana/Illinois Sea Grant Pollinator Garden brochures https://iiseagrant.org/resources/publications-products/results/?_sft_creator=c-eliana-brown
- Become an Illinois Master Naturalist https://extension.illinois.edu/mn
- iPollinate https://ipollinate.illinois.edu/
Check out the Good Growing Blog: https://go.illinois.edu/goodgrowing
Subscribe to the weekly Good Growing email: https://go.illinois.edu/goodgrowingsubscribe
Any products or companies mentioned during the podcast are in no way a promotion or endorsement of these products or companies.
Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties

Ken Johnson
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Morgan, and Scott Counties