Ep. 10 Compost Tea - Miracle Product or Snake Oil with Chris Enroth

Ep. 10 Compost Tea - Miracle Product or Snake Oil with Chris Enroth


Will compost tea save the world? Not according to current science. Science and the compost tea industry disagree on the effects of compost tea. Listen in as horticulture educator Chris Enroth saves you time, money, and electricity by keeping compost in the landscape. Leave the tea in the kitchen.
Will compost tea save the world? Not according to current science. Science and the compost tea industry disagree on the effects of compost tea. Listen in as horticulture educator Chris Enroth saves you time, money, and electricity by keeping compost in the landscape. Leave the tea in the kitchen.

Creators and Guests

Chris Enroth
Chris Enroth
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator serving Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties